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Lastly, determine WHEN you want to achieve your goal/goals by. If there is not an end date, you will just continue putting it off until next week, next month or even next year. Remember the 20 lb. from 2015 example above? I can guarantee you know someone, if you aren’t that someone, that has set that goal year after year. Now, if the goal had been “I want to lose 20 lb. by May”, there may have been different results. We can create a clear plan from there; that’s 5 months, so this person would need to lose 4 lb. a month, roughly 1 lb a week. We can easily create a program from there of how to make that happen.
When setting your ‘end date’, go back to point number one and be realistic. Don’t set a goal to lose 20 lb. in a month if you’ve only got 25 lb. to lose. This isn’t healthy and definitely not realistic. Find that balance between realistic and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Nothing great comes from us being in our comfort zone!
So, here you are with another year ahead of you. You’ve got all of the tools to run hard and guarantee success in achieving your goals. You can be exactly who you hope you’ll be ringing in 2022. Take small steps today to make the you of tomorrow proud. Make this your best year yet!
Thirdly, share your goals with those you love and let them know you need their support. If you don’t tell Your best friend you’re cutting out alcohol, she doesn’t know not to call you and ask you to go to happy hour. And if she does know and she still sends the invite, you may want to look for a new best friend. Our friends and loved ones should absolutely encourage and support us in the pursuit of our goals. And they only know how to do so when we are open with them about what they are.
Ask your husband for accountability if you need it or to be your workout partner. This will benefit you both in regards to your health and be a great way to spend extra time together! If you’re a mom, start setting up stroller walks with other moms. Bringing other people alongside you in the pursuit of your goals will only make the journey more fun!
Whatever the goal, determine what it will mean to you if you achieve it. Then, put reminders of that goal wherever you can. Put sticky notes on your bathroom mirror, print pictures or quotes for your fridge, or better yet, create a vision board. Visualizing your goals daily is absolutely necessary to achieving them. And keep your post-its fresh. These aren’t just motivational quotes that eventually fade into the background on your wall somewhere. These are your goals. Own them, each new day, this will radically help you stay committed to your goals.
Remember WHY you are doing this, why you started and remind yourself that you are going to finish, there is an end date!
These can absolutely be long term goals, but ease into them. If you haven’t been training at all, don’t aim for 6 days a week right away. Start with 3 and work your way up! If you haven’t tracked meals at all, try starting with just 1 or 2 meals a day. Work on creating and building the habit and gradually increase the amount. Set yourself up for success. Our goals are achieved by small changes to our daily habits.
Second, your goals are YOUR goals. You need to have an extremely clear vision of what they are, own them, be proud of them and want them more than anything else. No one is putting in the work for you. Identifying your ‘why’ behind your goals is key. Why do you want to start eating healthier? Maybe your family has a history of diabetes, obesity or heart disease and you want to lead by example and do what you can to prevent yourself and your kids from that path. Why do you want to build muscle? Are you tired of the limiting beliefs you’ve had that say your age, your gender or your size won’t allow you to do so?
The ball just dropped. You may have even got a new year’s kiss. You feel a rush of excitement and determination looking ahead at the next year. This will be YOUR year! This is when you will lose that 20 lb. you’ve been trying to since 2015. This year you will start strength training and actually stick to a program. Or when you will stick to your commitment to work on your flexibility. But….. how?
How are you going to do things different this year? How are you going to make sure you achieve the goals you set for yourself on January 1st?
Albert Einstein said it perfectly: “If you want different results, do not do the same things.”
If the actions you did or didn’t take last year did not get you to where you want to be, it’s time to make some changes and I’m going to tell you how. There are 6 golden rules to making progress towards achieving your goals, keep reading…
First and foremost, when setting your goals, it’s a good thing if you’re a little scared. But, the good kind of scared. The scared of what would happen if you didn’t hit them because you want this SO BAD. But, there is a big difference between being scared and realistic. Sometimes we get overzealous in the new year and start setting unrealistic goals. It may look great on paper to say you’re going to work out every day, track all of your meals, read 5 books a month, and cut out all sugar. But, this just isn’t sustainable. Not right off the bat.