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Awesome HIIT workout for Fat Loss & Cardio

Instructor: Jenae Vierhus
Level: All Levels

Focus : 

Love this HIIT workout for fat loss & cardio designed and lead by Jenae, personal trainer in weight lifting and body building. High energy, leg focused though still full body, this HIIT circuit is quick enough to do before work in the morning or during your lunch break at mid day. It will complement your strength training days, exercise your heart, improve your stamina, and aid in fat loss and/or weight management.

Equipment Needed : 

Your mat or your floor, whichever your prefer.

1-2 sets of dumbbells, simply depending if you want to work with different weights. 1 kettlebell if you have it, if not you can use 1 dumbbell instead it’s just more ergonomic to swing a kettlebell.

Class Level : 

ALL levels. For everyone. We all need cardio, these classes are great fit challenges. The intensity can easily be increased or decreased by dropping down to bodyweight only or increasing your dumbbell weight.

The Course of this Class :

Our HIIT workout for fat loss & cardio will alternate today between counted reps and timed sequences. We have 8 exercises and 3 rounds. So, get ready to move quickly from one exercise to the next and before you know it your workout will already be behind you! Use this class along with whatever strength training program you are following, on a regular basis for your cardio stamina, weight management, and simply full body fitness.

Kettle Bell Swings x 20

Mountain Climbers x 30sec

Upright Standing Rows x 10

High Knees x 30sec

Forward lunges or reverse lunges x 20

Plank shoulder taps x 30sec

Romanian Dead Lifts x 15

Bicycle Crunches x 30sec

If you are new to lifting weights please start with a low weight and slowly. Pay close attention to your posture and form as this will ensure you get the maximum results from your time and effort. Plus, this will protect you from undue injury or strain. Also, remember, don’t underestimate body weight, it is also very effective. So, if the weights are intimidating or not an option, simply do this workout without them, you’ll still reap the benefits! This is one of your best fat burning hiit workouts at home.

Show up hydrated and continue to hydrate afterwards.

Let us know below in comments how you liked class!👇🏼

Goals : 

Cardio. Increase stamina. Improve total body fitness. Lose fat. Increase lean muscle tone and definition. Continue to burn calories even after the workout is over. Quick & effective fitness in a short amount of time, getting it done!

Other HIIT workouts to try :

Fat Burning HIIT workout, Quick & Effective High Intensity!, Weighted HIIT Workout – 25 Minute Cardio, Fat Burn & Strength Building, HIIT Circuits & Body Sculpting “Reformer Every Day” THURSDAY, Trampoline Workout using Plyometrics, HIIT training + Cardio, Sculpting Reformer workout, Pilates Classics meet HIIT, Live Replay, BB HIIT & Sculpt! (for that flat Belly & round Booty), PHIIT (Pilates & HIIT) on the Beach

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