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Stretch & Strong Resistance Mat workout

Instructor: Kristine Chaussard
Level: Beginner, Intermediate

*Equipment Needed :  Mat and a Resistance band, you want your band to be medium resistance (or heavier if you prefer), and at least as long as you are tall.

Focus :  In this stretch & strong resistance mat session we want to open the front of the body: chest and hip flexors while we strengthen the back of the body: glutes, hamstrings, back, shoulders and postural muscles. We’ll use the resistance of the band to create more length in the body, as well as challenge our standing balance and work our arms. We will get openness and stretch from this routine as well as strength challenge.

Class Level :  Advanced Beginner – Intermediate on up.

The Course of this Class :  We start standing by opening the chest, stretching the side body and then working into a standing balance challenge. Bring it down to the mat for some good glute work, yes to round out that peach, while using your core as a stabilizer. Then we’ll work through sitting tall, lying down and extension prone work. We’ll round it all off with some challenging plank work and then finish with a rewarding quad and hip flexor stretch.

Goals :  Improve flexibility and balance. Not just standing balance but balance of strength in the body by focusing on the posterior chain, not just the glutes but the entire back of the body. Develop a stronger back for better posture.

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